Example - Beginner 5x5

(inspired by stronglifts)

This notebook shows features of streprogen, the Python strength program generator.

Contributions to the code are welcome. :)

!pip install streprogen matplotlib --quiet


from streprogen import Program, reps_to_intensity, progression_diffeq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import functools

Choose level of non-linearity

By default, streprogen introduces a little non-linearity in the general strength progression, see below.

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.title("Relationship between weeks and general strength progression")

duration = 12
weeks = list(range(1, duration + 1))

# For k=1, 2, 3, 4, plot the general strength progression function
for k in range(0, 4):
    progression = functools.partial(progression_diffeq, k=k)
    # The weights are arbitrary here, it's just to show the general behavior
    # These weights will not be used in the actual program. In the actual program,
    # weights for your specific exercises will be used.
    plt.plot(weeks, progression(weeks, start_weight=100, final_weight=120,
                                start_week=1, final_week=12), '-o', label="k=" + str(k))

# Set up the plot and show it
plt.xlabel("Weeks"); plt.ylabel("Weight")
plt.grid(); plt.legend(); plt.tight_layout()

You can choose the non-linearity used below. Setting k=0 removes all non-linearity.

# Setting k=0 means linear progression.
# The default value is slightly higher than 0.
k = 0
progression = functools.partial(progression_diffeq, k=k)

Program setup

Below is the code creating the program.

# Increase in percentage per week. If set to 1.5, it takes you from 100kg to 103kg in 2 weeks.
# Here day A and B are cycled with 3 workouts per week, so we set it to a reasonably low value.
percent_inc_per_week = 1.4

program = Program(
    # The name of the training program
    # The duration of the training program in weeks.
    # Here day A and B are cycled with 3 workouts per week, so the duration would be ~8 weeks
    # The baseline number of repetitions per dynamic exercise.
    # The baseline intensity value (approx 82 %)
    # No variation in repetitions and intensity - scale with 1.0 every week
    rep_scaler_func=lambda week:1,
    intensity_scaler_func=lambda week:1,
    # Units for the weights, typically 'kg', 'lbs' or '' (empty)
    # What the weights are rounded to (closest multiple of this number).
    # Override the default progression function with out own


# --------------------------------------------------
# ---- Carefully assess the program, then go back --
# ---- and adjust further if necessary.           --
# --------------------------------------------------

with program.Day("A"):
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Squat", start_weight=80)

    program.DynamicExercise(name="Bench Press", start_weight=60)

    program.DynamicExercise(name="Barbell Row", start_weight=50)

with program.Day("B"):
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Squat", start_weight=80)

    program.DynamicExercise(name="Overhead Press", start_weight=40)

    # Notice the additional `reps=5` here, constraining this exercise to a single set.
    # This overrides the `reps_per_exercise=25` parameter in the program for this exercise.
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Deadlift", start_weight=80, reps=5)

Render the program

# Do the computations and render a program. Might take a few seconds.

Export the program as .html or .tex, then to .pdf

A .html file can be printed directly from your browser, or printed to a .pdf from your browser.

# Save the program as a HTML file
with open('Beginner5x5.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
    # Control table width (number of sets) by passing the 'table_width' argument
# Save the program as a TEX file
with open('Beginner5x5.tex', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:

Use a .tex to generate .pdf if you have LaTeX installed, or use:

# If you have LaTeX installed on your system, you can render a program to .tex
# Alternatively, you can paste the LaTeX into: https://latexbase.com/
% -----------------------------------------------
% Package imports
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\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}% 'twoside' for printing
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% Allow input to be UTF-8
\usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}% May be used to set margins

% -----------------------------------------------
% Document start
% -----------------------------------------------


\section*{Program: Beginner5x5}

This program was made using \verb|streprogen|,
the Python strength program generator.
The latest version can be found at \\

\section*{Program parameters}
        \textbf{Parameter} & \textbf{Value} \\ \hline
        \verb|duration|             & 12 \\
        \verb|reps_per_exercise|    & 25 \\
        \verb|intensity|            & 84.3 \\
        \verb|units|                & kg

\section*{Exercise information}
    \textbf{Exercise} & \textbf{Start} & \textbf{End} & \textbf{Reps min}
    & \textbf{Reps max} & \textbf{Weekly increase} \\ \hline
      \textbf{ A } & & & & & \\ \hline
        \hspace{0.5em}Squat &
        80 kg &
        93.4 kg &
        5 & 5 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Bench Press &
        60 kg &
        70.1 kg &
        5 & 5 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Barbell Row &
        50 kg &
        58.4 kg &
        5 & 5 &
      \textbf{ B } & & & & & \\ \hline
        \hspace{0.5em}Squat &
        80 kg &
        93.4 kg &
        5 & 5 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Overhead Press &
        40 kg &
        46.7 kg &
        5 & 5 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Deadlift &
        80 kg &
        93.4 kg &
        5 & 5 &

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 1 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 32.5kg
            & 5 x 32.5kg
            & 5 x 32.5kg
            & 5 x 32.5kg
            & 5 x 32.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 67.5kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 2 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 67.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 67.5kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 3 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg
            & 5 x 42.5kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 70kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 4 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg
            & 5 x 70kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 70kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 5 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg
            & 5 x 52.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg
            & 5 x 35kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 72.5kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 6 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 72.5kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 7 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg
            & 5 x 45kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 72.5kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 8 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg
            & 5 x 55kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 75kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 9 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 5 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 75kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 10 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg
            & 5 x 37.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 77.5kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 11 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg
            & 5 x 57.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg
            & 5 x 47.5kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg
            & 5 x 77.5kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 77.5kg


 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 12 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} A }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench Press
            & 5 x 60kg
            & 5 x 60kg
            & 5 x 60kg
            & 5 x 60kg
            & 5 x 60kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Barbell Row
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg
            & 5 x 50kg


  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} B }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Squat
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg
            & 5 x 80kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Overhead Press
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg
            & 5 x 40kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlift
            & 5 x 80kg

